With very firm and safe passage. This is how the Administration is advancing, from the hand of technology; towards a new concept and a new social reality. Qualitative and quantitative way the eGovernment is changing its relationship with citizens, with society. Law 11/2007 of electronic citizens access to public services has come to give the definitive impulse, to enshrine the rights of citizens with the obligations and the new needs of the Administration, which faces the challenge of improving efficiency and productivity, and above all, increase the quality of their services and promote the approach to the citizen and also the company. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. Specifically, citizens and companies will gain access to the information and services they need in a very simple way. They may be, even without moving from your home or job site applications or resources, make payments or access notifications and communications that enable them to public administrations and, in general, to optimize your relationships with them.
Beyond the advance technology and the adoption of eGovernment is not simple. There are a number of non-technological factors which is important to keep in mind to ensure the success of the commissioning of the electronic administrative procedures. The most important are the willingness and ability to share information between administrations, the willingness to change by users to achieve the automation of processes and the determination and patience to have and that the results are not immediate. Therefore, it is very important to have a political leadership, allowing to overcome the resistance to change, having dynamic staff that allows to change the mentality in order to introduce organisational change and maintain investment, i.e., have a perspective in the long term, but at the same time, work and insist on concrete achievements in the short term. Business management solutions providers, understands this reality, and working for many years in the automation of Administrative procedures. However, it has been in recent years when have been gradually consolidated some of them covering important processing telematics projects for public administration.
Every day more management solutions providers are positioned as a business partner and, increasingly, as a mere supplier of technology. Solutions offered include a wide range of procedures from the citizen’s Portal in a town hall to an Integral management of public ground in an autonomous community or a complete automation of the e-procurement process adapted to the new law in any public agency. Solutions for all types and needs recently the General Sub-Directorate of resources in the Ministry of development implemented a project that represents a firm commitment of this Organization for the rights of the citizen since it allows an appeal from the website of the Ministry, consult the State of your resource and receive notifications of its resolution in a manner telematics. Another example of the implementation of ICT solutions is in the resource management administrative and contentious that guarantees the confidentiality of the data while performing an automated tracking of the resource since its entry into the Ministry, either on paper or through telematic register, until its resolution and communication to the appellant. It’s a great social advance. Technology in conjunction with the administrations companies contribute in the construction of new avenues of communication between the citizen and the Administration, with the aim that at anytime, from anywhere, all citizens can access the Administration and exercise their rights. Julia Sanchez Meynial Director of Marketing Pixelware specialists in records, information and business process management software.