New initiative of “youth without borders, GEW, Refugee Council Berlin, PRO ASYL and GRIPS theater a broad alliance of NGOs, human rights, refugees and MigrantInnenverbanden launches votes!” “For refugee protection and children’s rights”, the campaign to strengthen the rights of refugees and undocumented migrants in the double election year 2009″. research offer similar insights. The kick-off which makes campaign the Alliance remained here! from young refugees living “Youth without borders”, a group in Germany, together with GEW, Refugee Council Berlin, PRO ASYL and GRIPS theater. Group on most websites. You have today Coalition claims for refugee protection and children’s rights”to the candidates to the European elections with an invitation to the signing sent. The Coalition statement and all responses will be published on, the campaign Web page. At the same time, an online signature action of the candidates to do so to be ordered starts on, to sign the Kolaitionsaussagen and implement. So, it should be clear that behind the Alliance is a multitude of people and even voters. Continue to be the candidates of the International League for human rights, refugee councils and asylum in the Church sent questions to hotspots of migration and refugee policy.
So binding statements of candidates on to can be published. “Intercultural Council, Pro Asyl and DGB created 2009 a position paper to the election year, in which they clearly opposed to foreclosure and exclusion: priorities for the German and European migration and asylum policy”. It is available on for download available. Agree 09 c/o GRIPS mid-z.H Philipp Harpain Klosterstrasse 68-70 10179 Warangal press contact: Jens-Uwe Thomas (Refugee Council Berlin) 030 / 243445762 Mohammed Jouni (youth without borders): 0175 / 5120470 the Action Alliance remained here! is an Association of “Youth without borders”, a group in Germany of living young refugees, with WT, Refugee Council Berlin, PRO ASYL and GRIPS theater. It has existed since 2005 and now draws on a wealth of successful protests, appeals to the Innenministerkon preferences and politicians, demonstrations and tours. author: Philipp Harpain