Cuzco And Machu Picchu

We were in this part of Peru at the turn of a journey of cooperation in the area of Requena, to the South of Iquitos. We were a group of 8 people, and although we arrived muycansados wanted to see as far as possible in the four days that we were in this area, and were fascinated with this trip. For the entire organization of the trip, routes, excursions, tickets for the train to Machu Picchu, etc trusted my friend Claudia who offered us multiple alternatives according to the days they had and what they most wanted us to do. The arrival to Cuzco by plane is already spectacular in itself, already the Parapodia aircraft land surrounds the towering mountains among which is Cuzco, descendiendoen a kind of fall free incredible. I recommend take chewing gum for the journey, to prevent earache.If there was something special on this trip, apart from the target itself, was that here conocipersonalmente my friend Jersson, although it would have liked to share mastiempo, never will forget the experience. Jersson was my first friend in chat When meconecte to the internet for the first time in the year 2001, I still remember your nickname at that time, in which so little I imagined that someday we would come to see us faces. A friend of Claudia in a Van, picked us up from the airport of Cuzco to take us to the Sacred Valley, where the altitude is somewhat lower than Cuzco, what better permiteadaptarse to height, and to prevent the evil of height or altitude sickness. On the way stop at Pisac, was Sunday, the only day of the week in that sepuede visited this flea market in the streets of this town. Quantity craft products that can be found here, an unbelievable colorful tapestries, rugs, ponchos, Peruvian flutes, necklaces, clothes of wool’s flame is impressive.

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